Short description of the project:

In order to be able to market our products more easily, we must be recognizable on the EU market. In order to achieve this, we decided through a project Expansion to the EU market perform at fairs in Slovenia and Germany. With this, we could respond to a problem such as competition and prove the quality of our products.


Goals and expected results of the project:

By appearing at fairs in EU countries, we plan to increase the recognition of the company and improve our business. The expected result of this is an increase in production and export of products to the EU market. By exhibiting our products, we can expect an increase in the number of potential customers and recognition of the quality of our main products, hydraulic cylinders.


Total value of the project:  237.847,00 Kn

Amount co-financed by the EU: 201.043,70 Kn

Project implementation period: od 01.01.2019. do 1.12.2021.

Contact for more information:  Vlatka Dananić Pecak – vlatkadp@hidropneumatika.hr

No. contract: KK.

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development.


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